Nov 112011

I’m ready to unload some the best secrets and tips that even your beauty salon professionals use. Of course they would like for you to buy their beauty products and will tell you they are the best in order to make the sale, but I’m pretty sure they’re not being honest in telling you what beauty products are really on the backbar in their salons.

As a frugal person myself, I’ve always shared my secrets with my clients. I earn my living selling my services, not products.

Here a few for you to enjoy!

  • 1. To dry nail polish in a hurry, spray nails with PAM Oil Spray.
  • 2. Olive oil can be added to bath water for a skin softener.
  • 3. Toner/Astringent — Use witch hazel instead. No need to dilute — use full strength. You can also rinse with a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar after cleansing — it balances out the ph of your skin.
  • 4. Cut back on the amount of shampoo you use. Do the same with toothpaste. The manufacturers want us to use more, so we buy more.
  • 5. Keep your pantyhose in the freezer, and they will last longer.
  • 6. For great lotion, mix one-part lotion with one-part vaseline. It works better than plain lotion, and, depending on the cost of your lotion, you can stretch its value.
  • 7. To prevent hair pins from falling out, bend one prong in a “V” about halfway up and insert in hair. It will stay.
  • 8. Old lipstick tubes, thoroughly cleaned, are great for purse-sized pill boxes or for pins.
  • 9. Use hydrogen peroxide as an inexpensive nail bleach.
  • 10. For an excellent facial, mix dry oatmeal and water into a paste and spread on face. Lie down and let it dry. Wash off with warm water.

About the Author

Melissa is a professional cosmetologist who is constantly updating her education. For daily updates including tips, secrets and other information, please visit her blog at Beauty doesn’t have to cost a fortune!Brought to you by Ample Advice

 Posted by at 1:34 am