Jun 282012

There has been so much confusion about the topic of good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates in recent years… I wanted to help clear up some of that confusion for you and set you on a clearer path to lifelong fat loss success and healthier eating.

First of all, although I am not a “low carb” believer (I certainly don’t think extremely low carbohydrate diets are healthy), I do believe that one of the main reasons that the vast majority of people struggle to ever lose weight is that they are over-consuming processed refined carbohydrates such as pasta, bagels, breads, cereals, rice, muffins, sodas, juices, candies, crackers, etc.

It is exceedingly hard to lose weight if you are over-consuming any of these types of refined processed carbohydrates (even if you work out extremely hard). In addition to causing big blood sugar swings and insulin surges that stimulate direct body fat storage, eating too many carbohydrates also increases your cravings and overall appetite.

Even carbohydrate sources that most people think are “healthy” really are just excess calories that do not really contain significant nutrient density… and many types of breads and cereals claim to be “whole grain” through clever marketing although in reality, the first ingredient in them is refined flour, which is just going to spike your blood sugar and create an insulin surge. After years of eating excess processed carbohydrates, it becomes harder and harder for insulin to do it’s job and continue handling all of this blood sugar, and insulin resistance and eventual type 2 diabetes can occur in many people.

My opinion on this is that the majority of people struggling to lose weight would get much better results by following these types of guidelines:

1. Reduce overall grain-based foods in your diet (pasta, cereal, crackers, rice, etc) and focus more of your diet on healthy free range, grass-fed meats and eggs, raw grass-fed dairy, and a whole lot of vegetables.

2. Instead of grains for most of your carbohydrate intake, try getting most of your carbs from veggies, sweet potatoes, and a variety of berries and whole fruits (NOT fruit juices, which remove the beneficial fiber as well as other important nutrients in the fruit)

3. If you are going to get any grains at all, focus on the most nutrient dense and fibrous portions of the grain… the bran and the germ. This means that the healthiest ideas are using oat bran instead of oat meal, and using wheat germ and rice bran by adding them to your salads, yogurt, cottage cheese, soups, smoothies, etc. This way you get all of the most nutrient dense parts of the grains without all of the excess starches and calories.

4. To replace the void if you are accustomed to consuming large quantities of cereals, bread, pasta, and other carbohydrate sources… try filling that void with additional healthy fats such as avocados, guacamole, nuts, seeds, nut butters as well as healthy proteins such as grass-fed raw dairy and grass fed meats, whole free-range organic eggs, etc. Healthy fats and protein sources go a long way to satisfying your appetite, controlling proper blood sugar and hormone levels, and helping you to make real progress on weight loss for life.

With all of that said, here’s one of my favorite carbohydrate sources that is high in fiber as well as contains a high density of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals… it is yams and/or sweet potatoes. Try slicing them into thin slivers and sauteeing them with a few tablespoons of water in a pan for about 5 minutes for a quicker healthy carb (instead of baking them for over an hour). Finish them off with a touch of grass-fed organic butter and some cinnamon and you’ve got a delicous and healthy carbohydrate side dish!

For more unique exercise and diet techniques for losing your stubborn stomach fat, go to Workouts & Diet Tips for Losing Belly Fat Fast

Discover how to do fast and furious workouts at home by using our Four Minute Bodyweight & Dumbbell Home Workouts

Mike Geary is the best-selling author of The Truth about Six Pack Abs, with over 100,000 readers in over 150 countries. Mike is also an avid skier and creator of one of the most comprehensive Skier Fitness Training Routines


 Posted by at 2:56 pm

3 Veggies That Help to Burn Stomach Fat

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Jun 282012

Specific vegetables that actually help to stimulate the burning of stomach fat? Sounds crazy right? Well, check this out below and you’ll see why it’s not so far fetched.

First, one fact that you may have not realized is that there are certain chemicals in our food supply and in our environment, such as pesticides, herbicides, and petrochemicals that have an estrogenic effect inside our bodies. This problem can increase belly fat on both men and women, so pay attention.These are called xenoestrogens, and exposure to them from these chemicals in our food supply, water supply, and the environment is one factor that can actually stimulate your body to hold onto belly fat. The problem is that in today’s world, even if you eat organic and live in a relatively low-pollution area, it is almost impossible to not get at least some degree of daily exposure to xenoestrogens. They are even in household cleaners and cosmetics! So how can you fight against these xenoestrogens so that they are not forcing your body to hold onto stomach fat?

Well, that’s where these specific types of vegetables that I’m going to show you can help. There are many classes of vegetables, teas, spices, etc that have compounds which can help to fight against the effects of xenoestrogens. However, one of the most powerful classes are cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. These types of cruciferous vegetables contain very unique compounds (phytonutrients) such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that can help to combat the effects of xenoestrogens in your body, and therefore, can help you to burn abdominal fat more effectively. As if you needed another excuse to eat more broccoli and cauliflower…

Now, you can add losing stomach fat to the list! Now here’s the cool thing…On this link, I’m going to show you my program that explains specific teas, spices, and other sources of these unique compounds that help to fight against xenoestrogens and help you to Burn Belly Fat faster and more effectively. Enjoy, and good luck with your fitness goals!

Mike Geary -Certified Nutrition Specialist,Author – The Truth about Six Pack Abs

 Posted by at 2:52 pm

The Benefits and Side Effects of Creatine

 Articles, Weight Loss  Comments Off on The Benefits and Side Effects of Creatine
May 272012

What I am about to tell you is not going to make me a very popular person with many supplement manufacturers. In fact, some of them are going to be down right pissed off at me. On the other hand, some of them are going to be happy someone spilled the beans and told the truth.There are several benefits of Creatine. Creatine boosts anaerobic energy in the body. It provides instant energy to the body. It improves muscle strength and makes the muscle suitable for high-intensity, short duration exertion like weightlifting or sprinting. It is also found to speed up the recovery of energy. It delays fatigue significantly. It promotes lean-muscle mass and reduces muscle wasting in post-surgical patients. It is also believed to help heart patients by increasing their exercise capacity, reducing heart spasms and thus increasing heart function. Creatine is generally taken as a supplement by athletes who need heavy bursts of energy. Creatine acts as a catalyst to a special chemical reaction that occurs in the body when a person does high-intensity, short duration work. The body generates enough Creatine to accommodate such kind of a reaction. For additional exertion, Creatine has to be taken additionally through food or through other forms.From a bodybuilder’s perspective, creatine can significantly increase lean muscle mass quickly, improve performance in high intensity exercise, raise energy levels and speed up recovery rates. Creatine’s ability to raise energy in muscles is due to its muscle protein synthesizing action whilst reducing the breakdown of protein. This happens because creatine has the effect of super-hydrating muscle cells with water. It also improves muscle growth adding size and strength to muscle fibers.Creatine is normally taken in two ways. The first involves loading the muscles with 20 to 30 grams of creatine per day for four to seven days. At the end of this phase maintenance involves a regular intake of 5 to 15 grams per day. The other method is more gradual in that it skips out the loading phase and simply involves supplementing with 5 to 15 grams per day for an extended period.When considering taking supplements, especially when related to fitness regimes, one should consult a doctor, or other health professional.
Advicentips recommends creatine muscle builder.

 Posted by at 12:23 am
Nov 132011

There is no magic bullet that will make you lose weight without trying. No special diet that lets you eat a huge amount of food and drop pounds fast. No ab-machine or exer-cycle that you see at three fifteen in the morning on an infomercial is really going to make that much difference to you.

We all know the secret to losing weight, right? Eat right, exercise more and keep a positive attitude. Yes, we all know that.

If you ever had a weight problem though, you know it’s not really that simple. Eating right is difficult when your facing constant hunger, when every food that is good for you tastes horrible and you are racing full speed ahead from the moment you wake up until you hop into bed at night making fast food very tempting. Exercise is time consuming and difficult, sometimes it can even be downright painful! As for that positive attitude, well that’s relatively easy. Once you get past the hunger pangs and the sore muscles, the fact that you have not eaten anything that you like in a week and a half and have worn blisters, in places better not mentioned, on that bicycle seat. After that staying positive is a piece of cake.

Well, no, I guess it really isn’t.

Overlooked in the standard equation though, the eat less and exercise more truism, is the fact that we are not only physical beings but psychic ones as well.

There are too many techniques to go over all of them here, it could literally fill a book, perhaps someday it will. Right now though action needs to be taken. Americans are gaining weight at an alarming rate. From our eldest people to our youngest, we are plumping up at levels never seen before.

We need to address three main areas if we wish to bring about long term weight-loss. The mental, emotional and physiological aspects.

This could be a road just as hard as the strictest diet and as painful as running a marathon. It could be, but It’s not. Using a few simple techniques, you can bolster your self-discipline, your metabolic rate and your positive feelings about losing weight. You can also relieve hunger pains and feelings of angst over your current weight.

You can do these yourself, or have a friend or professional help you with them, so don’t be worried that you might not have never tried anything like this before!

Here are some basic techniques you can use to aid in losing weight. While simple they are very powerful. You still have to diet and exercise, these methods will make that easier to do though.

*Start by calming yourself and quieting your mind. Just take a minute to not worry about anything, relax and let go of any distractions.

*Hold the idea in your mind that you are already thin. I know that this seems strange, but if you want to lose weight it helps to convince yourself that it is possible. If your mind rebels and tries to tell you something different just replace the thought with the idea you are thin and healthy and don’t worry about it. It will take a bit of time to train your subconscious mind how to be thin. Spend a few minutes just “knowing” that you are slim and trim. You don’t even have to visualize it. In fact, to your deeper self it is more helpful if you don’t visualize it.

*Now imagine your day. “See” yourself eating a healthy breakfast. Go about your day until lunch. Hold the concept of all this time passing without much hunger. Imagine enjoying a lunch of healthy foods that you arranged in the morning. Know that stresses will happen and you will let them go. See yourself going through some exercise and really enjoying it, is it hard? Sure, but nothing you can’t handle! Go through dinner in this way as well. Notice that you are not craving sweets particularly, hunger is not an issue for you either. Perhaps you will have a small snack before bed? That is up to you.

The important thing here is to use conceptual thought as much as possible. If you haven’t gotten the trick of thinking in ideas yet, just do your best. Visualizing your desired day will work too, just not as powerfully.

*Next we are going to hold several different concepts in a row. These will actually be building powerful psychic fields around you, so make sure you keep the ideas/concepts you are maintaining very clear and as constant as possible.

1. Hold the idea of energy in your body. Feel the energy coursing through you. Buzzing and exciting your system. This will increase your metabolic rate. Feel it in every part of your body. Hold this for at least a minute.

2. Hold the idea of warmth. Starting in the center of your body warming each part of your being. This will increase your metabolism even more. Again maintain for at least a minute.

3. Hold the idea of a lack of hunger. This is so powerful that you must use care not to strip yourself of hunger all together. This will actually dampen your sense of physical hunger and appetite. Keep this up for a minute.

4. Finally, hold the concept of happiness. Everyone should practice this regardless of their desire to lose pounds! It will ramp up your morale enough to stick with your diet and exercise program.

There are many other things that can be done to help a person lose weight using psychic techniques. For instance pain control methods can make exercise more pleasant, as can simple mood elevation. Ideas of what kind of foods are tasty can be changed both internally and from the outside of yourself with a little help. Metabolism can be increased and adipose tissue can be triggered to expel fat rather than conserve it.

Sure you will still have to watch what you eat. Yes, exercise is good for you and should be part of your daily program. These and other psychic healing methods can help to increase the ease and effectiveness of weight loss efforts though, making a definite increase in your quality of life.

If you would like to try these techniques but fear you don’t have the skill level needed, try and enlist a friend to give you a hand. If that is not an option you could try getting professional help to make things easier in the short run. With practice though, you can learn to do all of these things and more on your own. That you have the power to control these thing is clear. Now the question is, do you decide to take control of your weight, or do you keep doing what you have always done?

It is up to you.

About the Author

Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years.
Go to: http://healing.worldispnetwork.com to find out more about the work being done.


Dale Power

Nov 132011

Every now and again, you may run across a person with a knockout figure who claims to eat whatever he or she wants. Some people are blessed with a high metabolism or an apathetic interest in food, that keeps them slim and trim throughout their lives. But these people are few and far between. For the rest of us, there has usually been at least one occasion in our lives when we have had to consider making major life changes to lose weight.

Diet and exercise is usually the weight loss path of choice recommended by most physicians and health care authorities. But what if diet and exercise aren’t enough? For some people, weight loss is extremely difficult. There are a number of FDA approved prescription weight loss drugs that can be harmful.

How Do Weight Loss Drugs Work?
Most weight loss drugs work by suppressing the appetite (not good). One exception to this the weight loss medication Xenical (orlistat.) Xenical is a newer medication approved by the FDA in 1999. It works by inhibiting the enzyme lipase. Lipase breaks down dietary fat for use in the body. When the function of lipase is interfered with, it decreased dietary fat absorption by thirty percent. Because the undigested fats are not absorbed, fewer calories enter the bloodstream, and the dieter may begin to lose weight. The problem with this is you are shutting down one of the bodies most important functions -To produce enzymes. We do not recommend this product for weight loss. We suggest a natural substitute such as SlimirexT found at www.slimirex.com.

Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants are used for the short-term treatment of obesity. Their appetite suppressing effects usually diminish after a few weeks, so they are not designed for long-term use. But they are really not a good way to jump start weight loss. The dieter should develop a new exercise and dietary regime. Long-term results are dependent upon changes in eating habits and activity levels. Appetite suppressants include sibutramine (Merida,) diethylpropion (Tenuate), and Phentermine (Adipex-P). Common side effects of appetite suppressants include dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, depression, and increased blood pressure. They are also linked to the development of heart and lung problems. Check with your doctor immediately if you experience chest pain, fast or irregular heart beat, blurred vision, heart palpitations, or difficulty breathing.

Merida (Sibutramine): Merida was approved by the FDA in 1997. It works by increasing certain chemicals in the brain that help to reduce appetite. One possible side effect of the weight loss drug, is that is may increase blood pressure and heart rate. Therefore, it should not be taken by people who have uncontrolled high blood, or a history of heart disease, congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat, or stroke. Other side effects of this medication include headache, constipation, dry mouth, and insomnia.

Adipex-P (Phentermine): Other trade names for this medication include Anoxine-AM, Fastin, Ionamin, Obephen, Obermine, Obestin-30, and Phentrol. Phentermine is a weight loss drug that is used in combination with diet and exercise to reduce the appetite and assist in weight loss. Common side effects of this medication include dry mouth, unpleasant taste, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting. These side effects may be lessened by taking phentermine with food. Call you doctor immediately if you experience increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, dizziness, or restlessness.

Tenuate (Diethylpropion): Also referred to by the trade name Tenuate Dospan, this medication should not be used for weight loss. This medication may become habit forming. Side effects include dry mouth, depression, tremors, anxiety, upset stomach, vomiting, and increased urination. Call you doctor immediately if you experience cardiovascular changes, blurred vision, skin rashes, or a fever.

Lipase Inhibitors
As mentioned above, orlistat (Xenical) works by decreasing fat absorption within the body. Orlistat is a lipase inhibitor that works in your intestines to block ingested fat from being absorbed in the system. Orlistat is used in obese or overweight patients. Consuming too many fats at one sitting could result in an increase in side effects. Common side effects of this weight loss drug include changes in bowel movements, gas, abdominal bloating, stomach pain, and irregular menstrual periods. Call your health care professional immediately if you experience itching, swelling, chest pain, skin rashes, difficulty breathing, or a fever.

Taking the product SlimirexT can also help you manage your weight.
For more information on weight loss go to http://www.weightlossobesity.com.

About the Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit http://www.ghchealth.com.


Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Nov 132011

Losing weight is a lifelong commitment. It takes patience and self-discipline to stick with a weight loss program and wait for the end results. Many people want to find the magic shortcut that will make the process just a little shorter and less difficult. Many over-the-counter and prescription pills are purchased for just this purpose. They are available from pharmacies, natural health food stores, and even online. But are these weight loss pills the miracle drugs they claim to be? Or are they just a waste of money?

How Does A Weight Loss Pill Work?
Prescription weight loss pills work in one of three ways. Most of the pills on the market simply suppress the appetite and help you eat less. Others aim to increase your feeling of fullness after eating. Some of the newest weight loss pills on the market work by inhibiting the absorption of fat. Over the counter weight loss pills usually contain a stimulant that helps to decrease your appetite. The only complete weight management system which I approve of is the “SlimirexT” system.

Who Should Take Weight Loss Pills?
Weight loss pills are most often recommended for people who are medically obese.people whose weight is causing serious health concerns. Even with weight loss pills, the treatment of obesity involves exercise, counseling, dietary changes, and behavioral modifications. But weight loss pills are not only used by obese people. They are also sought after by people who want a quicker way to achieve the weight goals they have set for themselves. As long as men and women continue to compare themselves to the select few beautiful, skinny models on TV screens and magazine pages, there will be a strong market for weight loss pills.

Could Weight Loss Pills Be Dangerous?
Weight loss pills are a medication just like any other type of drug. You need to be very careful about the ingredients of any medication that you place in your body.

ALWAYS Consult Your Doctor
Work in consultation with your natural health care provider if you decide to try a over the counter weight loss pill to help you lose weight. Your doctor can assess your overall weight management goals and he or she can help you monitor the success or side effects of the medication. Be very cautious about the weight loss pill you decide to try. Try visiting http://www.weightlossobesity.com for general information and recommendations.

Know Your Source
Weight loss pills purchased over the internet may be coming from the garage of a t-shirt salesman (this actually happened!) If you decide to buy your weight loss pills online, make sure you research the company you are buying from so that you can be sure they send you the appropriate supplementation.

Read the Ingredients
Some weight loss pills contain the ingredient ephedra (also known as ephedrine and ma huang.) This stimulant has recently come under a lot of scrutiny from the Food and Drug Administration for its links to illness and side effects. Ephedra has been shown to cause heart attacks, seizures and strokes. It is a powerful and dangerous stimulant that can damage the central nervous system and the heart. The most complete system available is the Slimirex system scheduled for release in April 2005.

Watch Out For Dependency
Weight loss pills that contain amphetamine or other stimulants may cause withdrawal symptoms when you decide to discontinue the medication. You may become addicted to these types of pills and be unable to stop taking them. The long term use of weight loss pills may increase your chances of developing serious side effects. Stimulant based weight loss pills can cause Adrenal Burnout Syndrome, which can take years to fix.

The Bottom Line On Weight Loss Pills

ALWAYS check with your health care provider. Make sure he or she knows which pill you are going to try and arrange for your progress to be monitored.

If your doctor prescribes a weight loss pill for you, make sure you follow the instructions he or she gives you. If you decide to purchase an over the counter weight loss pill, be sure to use Slimirex. DO NOT OVERDOSE to try and gain faster results.

Use weight loss pills (Slimirex) in combination with behavioral modifications, dietary changes, and an exercise program to ensure that if you do achieve weight loss results with the pill, you will be able to discontinue their use without hampering your progress.

Monitor yourself carefully while you take the weight loss pill. Record your progress as well as any side effects you may be feeling. And be sure to report both to your health care provider.

Unless your doctor advises you differently, plan to take the weight loss pill for a maximum of six to eight weeks. These products are not meant for long term usage and side effects can occur.

If you are not losing weight, stop taking the weight loss pills. Consult with your health care provider on any lifestyle or medication changes you can incorporate to achieve results.

To order Slimirex visit http://www.slimirex.com.

About the Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit http://www.ghchealth.com.


Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Nov 132011

The world is overweight, especially in the United States. Every year we seem to get lazier and fatter.

People who have put on a few extra pounds typically fall into one of two categories. They are either obsessed with dieting and losing weight or they just do not seem to care. They are both doomed to fail.

The former group will likely fail because of their unreasonable expectations, while the latter group thinks that weight loss and fitness are just too difficult, so they give up without even trying.

If you belong to either group, you need to put things into perspective. You will probably never develop a supermodel figure or bodybuilder physique. But the good is that you do not need to.

Fitness is not about hourglass figures or washboard abs. Just losing a few pounds can add years to your life and make those years much more enjoyable.

Excess weight can reduce your stamina, put stress on your joints, and even cause illnesses, such as heart disease or diabetes.

So start each day with the intention of eating better and getting just a little exercise. Do this one day at a time and you will find it to be much easier than you expected.

Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Start your day with a tall glass of cold water. Not only is it a great way to start the day, but you feel less hungry, so you will eat less.

2. Try to eat breakfast within an hour of getting up in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you should not wait until you get really hungry or you may be inclined to eat too much.

3. Eat a lot of fresh fruit. They are an excellent source of nutrition and many contain the extra fiber that your body needs. You probably know what a lack of fiber can do to you.

4. Do not forget the vegetables. Try to eat at least one salad every day. When you feel the urge to snack, try some celery or carrot sticks. Some people seem to have a phobia about veggies, but they really are good when you give them a chance.

5. Control your sweet tooth. Sweet usually means sugar, which translates into calories. Too much sugar can harm you in many other ways, as well.

6. Keep a food diary. Write down everything that you eat. At the end of the day, you may be surprised, even shocked by what you have written down.

7. Stay away from fried foods. Even if the oil is drained away, there is still a lot of hidden oil, which adds fat and calories.

8. Do not be a couch potato. There are several little things that you can do for exercise. Walking instead of driving. Bike riding. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you just stop for a moment and think about it, you can come up with dozens of ideas.

So start with small goals and find how much easier it gets every day.

And let’s face it, is that not that what you are looking for? Easy?

About the Author

For more information go to: http://www.ukisolutions.com


Nov 132011

I never intended to get fat! I am not exactly sure how it happened, but there I was a 6’2″ thirty-four year old pushing close to 270 pounds. My cholesterol was high, my triclecrides were high, and my blood pressure was high. I was on a direct course for developing diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of cancer, and a ton of other diseases related to obesity.

It gets worse. I am a doctor, a sports chiropractor to be exact and my office is located inside a health club. Unfortunately, like many other doctors and other health professional out there, I was not practicing what I was preaching.

Living in sunny Arizona, land of the endless summer, sooner or later you have to go to the lake, the water park, or you are invited to a cookout and pool party. That is when all my excuses caught up to me. Despite knowing the health risks associated with being overweight, it was the feeling of low self-esteem and embarrassment that finally drove me to action.

So there I was, a doctor, ready to get the weight off. I hate to admit it; I tried some of those quick fix gimmick supplements. I tried a bunch of the fad diets. I bought a bunch of books from all the “weight loss experts”. Sure I would lose a little weight, but I could never stick with the diet for any length of time. When I went off the diet I would gain the weight right back. Then tried working my butt off in the gym, running almost every day. That got real boring, and I found that running everyday is not the best thing to do when you weigh close to 270 pounds.

There I was again, still no direction, no focus, no drive, nothing to guide me. Frustrated about not getting any results and what to do, I thought I was just going to have to accept that I was overweight and deal with it. I gave it a real effort and it did not work.

During all of this, the chiropractor that I bought my office from mentioned that he was beginning a weight loss program at his office, which was based on his experience with triathlon training. That got my attention. I really wanted to give the program a try, but I lived too far from his office to come in on a regular basis. So I began researching the sport on the Internet.

The more I read about triathlons and triathlon training, the more sense it made to me as a way to help me lose weight. If you are going to do an event that involves swimming, cycling, and running you obviously are going to have to train that way. The idea about jumping into the pool for an exercise swim was not something I was looking forward to, and the last thing I wanted to do was to put on a swimsuit and workout. Then I remembered how painful my knees were from running around, and swimming would be easier on my joints.

I also began reading about using heart rate monitors and the affects of exercising at different heart rates. Many of the authors of the books on heart zone training were triathletes themselves, and they gave numerous examples on how using heart zone training you can track your progress and maximize your exercise program.

The more I searched the triathlon Internet sites, the more I became interested in the sport. The people who competed in triathlons looked really fit, it was inspiring. That is when I decided to take my commitment to losing weight to the next level. Weighing close to 270 pounds, I signed up for my first triathlon. Five months away, I was going to do a sprint race, which was a 500m swim, a 15-mile bike, then and a 3-mile run. This was a much shorter distance than many triathlon races, however at the time I could not do even one of the events let alone all of them back-to-back.

Using a combination of what I learned about heart zone training and from the triathlon Internet sites, I started my program. I my alternated exercise sessions between swimming, cycling, and running. I also did about an hour of weight training a week. This really added a variety to the exercise program, and it never got boring. One day I would just bike, then next maybe run 10 minutes, do a weight session, then bike for 25 minutes. Then the next day I would just swim. The next day I would swim then follow it up with a run. My knees were holding up very well with little, if any pain. At the same time I started eating better, no real diet, just common sense stuff, avoiding the sugars and white breads.

The use of the heart rate monitor became a very useful tool. It kept me from working too hard or too easy. The monitor I was using, the Polar 610, also came with software. I was able to download all of my exercise sessions into a computer. Then I was able to objectively document my exercise sessions. The software was able to track my calories burned during exercise, my average heart rate, hours spent exercising per week, and much more. After every exercise session actually looked forward to downloading my session to see how I did.

It also allowed me to exercise at different heart rates. One day I would run at 70% of my maximum heart rate for 10 minutes, then bike at 80% of my maximum heart rate for 10 minutes, then go back to running at 70% for another 10 minutes. The next day I would just bike for 40 min. But I would again exercise at different heart rates, 10 min at 70%, and 5 minutes at 80%, and 10 minutes at 75 %, and 5 minutes at 80%, and then 10 minutes at 70%. This was a fun way to exercise and I actually began to look forward to exercising, the whole process was less boring.

I kept up with this type of training for five months. On the day of my first triathlon, I was forty pounds lighter.

Some how, some way, I did it. I finished my first triathlon, and as crazy as it sounds I really enjoyed myself. I was feeling good about my accomplishment, but I still had some serious weight to lose. So I found another triathlon race six months later, signed up for it and continued training. The weight just kept coming off and coming off.

At the time of my second race, eleven months after learning about triathlons, I had lost sixty pounds.

It seemed like every week one of my patients, whom I had not seen for months, would come in for a treatment. The reactions were always the same, doc what the heck happened to you, you look like a totally different person!

I felt like a different person too, I was running without knee pain, I was happier at work, my relationship with my family was better, I was no longer embarrassed to go to a pool party or the water park, in fact I looked forward to them.

My patients and the members of the health club where my office was located were constantly asking me about my weight loss. I remember one of the gym members walking up to my desk and looking at my before and after pictures. He pointed to my fat picture and said, “That is me” then he pointed to my fit picture and said, “That is the way I want to look”.  Wow, what a great feeling, I could not believe it.

As I am sitting here writing this article, it has been a year since my first triathlon. Just a few weeks ago, I raced in my third race and I actually managed to finish second in my age group.

As a result of getting into triathlons, not only do I have a new body, I have a new life.

Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Mesa, AZ. He continues to compete in triathlons and has kept his weight off for over a year now. If you would like to contact Dr. Banas, he can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at www.personal-weight-loss-help.com

About the Author

Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Mesa, AZ. If you would like to contact Dr. Banas, he can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at www.personal-weight-loss-help.com


Dr. Jeffrey Banas


Nov 132011

A Full Scale War

“The scale can be like a lousy personal trainer. It can be giving you bad information. In other words, do not become too dependent on this devilish, little device sitting on your bathroom floor. ”

It happens every morning when you mosey out of bed, somewhere between the time you take off that robe and the instant you step into the shower. For others, it happens immediately after a workout, as soon as you peel off those sweaty clothes and stand aimlessly in your birthday suit.

Then, the big moment arrives. The excitement, the tension, it all forms a giant knot in your throat. This experience is a lot like playing the roulette wheel and you know you have plenty riding on this one. Hence, the numbers that come up can spree a variety of reactions.

You step onto the scale in your bathroom and peek through your fingers at the fate staring back at you.

To some, you jump up and down like you just hit the jackpot.  Others shriek as if they’d just crapped out.

Well, the scale is indeed a useful tool to monitor your weight-loss developments. What other method is there to track specifically how much you’ve progressed in your endeavors to lose weight?

Yet, the scale can be like a lousy personal trainer. It can be giving you bad information. In other words, do not become too dependent on this devilish, little device sitting on your bathroom floor.  Here are two reasons why:

* Scales are not perfect. At any given moment, it can go from being your best friend to your worst enemy. If the scale isn’t tipping your way, it can throw your entire mental state off the mark. Scales can often deceive you into thinking you’re heavier – or lighter – than you actually are. In more case, it’s the latter. And by thinking that you’re that far ahead of the game, the only one you’ll be fooling is yourself. Instead, try going by how your clothes fit on your body or how you feel internally than relying on some imperfect machine. Take a picture of yourself at the beginning of the month and then at the end of the month to evaluate the progress. Obsession with the scale is not unlike other fixations – it’s certainly not healthy.

* Scales tend to dictate. Too many people are consumed with the numbers on the scale. It’s not unlike the scenario of a baseball player who is completely engrossed in his batters’ average. The average is just a number. He should be more concerned with winning the game. The same goes with the battle against weight loss. The goal should never be a number. If you become too concerned with reaching a specific number, by a certain time, it can lead to starvation, bulimia, malnutrition, many conditions that are not beneficial to your body or you’re health. * Remember, the best scale you can have is your mind. If it’s telling you that the unwanted fat is disappearing from your figure like a dress on prom night, chances are that you’re right.

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Nov 132011

There was a time in this world when the need to lose weight was completely unheard of. People ate well, but the worked well too. They woke up early in the morning and then engaged in a whole day’s work. This work was mostly physical labor. People worked on fields digging, sowing, harvesting. They tilled they soil, rode horses, worked on farms and ranches. The result was that they could afford to eat almost anything they wanted in whatever quantities they wanted.

But that was ages ago. The world has changed so much since those days. Life styles have changed so much and the comforts and facilities have increased so much. But every rose has its thorn. As a result of all these comforts and amenities the state of physical well being has really changed. Most of us have sedentary jobs that demand little or no exercise at all. To put it simply, things have become so damn easy. And just as can be expected, weight gain has become a major concern for almost every city dweller.

During the period of thoughtless youth it is not such a major concern. The young practically eat nothing and so weight problems do not bother them so much. But as soon as you turn twenty, you start showing signs of weight gain and that too in all the wrong places.

It’s not about the hour glass figure or the perfectly sculpted and toned body. It is more about staying fit and remaining healthy to ensure a long, disease free life. Every body knows that those extra pounds spell illness. All over the world people are switching to a healthier life style and the catch line is indeed weight loss.

1) Drink plenty of water.  Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.

2) Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It’s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.

3) Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.

4) Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster.

SIDENOTE: Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water? It’s amazing!

Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I donated so much space to it, above.

About the Author

Michael Fortomas is a biologist and a freelance journalist – writing about health, the environment and development – issues he cares deeply about.”How to lose 10 pounds in two weeks”! is a thoroughly researched free ecourse on ‘everyday ways’ to start removing inches from waistline and maintain a healthier lifestyle for people on the go.


Michael Fortomas