Nov 122011

Losing weight is the hardest thing that many people will ever do. And regardless of what the TV commercials and magazine articles would have you believe, there is no shortcut. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news, losing weight can be fun and fulfilling. You can enjoy your life to the fullest by making a few simple changes that will not only help you lose weight, they will strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, lessen the side effects of certain medications, prevent constipation and other digestive disorders, and maintain the chemical balance within the body. It’s as simple as eating delicious wholesome foods and making exercise an enjoyable part of your day! Are you ready to make a few small changes that will lead to big results? Read on to learn about the only weight loss program you will ever need for permanent weight loss. We do recommend taking the product “Slimirex” with all weight management programs.

Eat and Chew!!
Improving your diet does not mean starving yourself or eating tasteless, boring foods. It just means that you need to be smarter about the food choices you make. You don’t need tricks and gimmicks to help you lose weight. You need to learn the basics of nutrition and put what you learn into action on your dinner plate. That can be the hardest part of a weight loss program: translating words into meals! But the most important thing to remember about a healthy diet is that YOU SHOULD NOT BE HUNGRY. If you feel truly hungry (and not just bored) it is your body’s way of telling you that it needs food to keep going.

If you are hungry, EAT and Chew! Regular meals throughout the day help you stay full and in control of the foods you eat. Aim for five or six small meals to keep you going throughout the day. And when you have time, eat slowly and chew each bite of food 25x before you swallow. This gives you more time to enjoy your meal and allows you brain to signal your tummy when it’s full. Arcteryx Phase . If you want to lose weight and keep it off for good, follow a nutritious eating plan that keeps you feeling full and in control.

Make It Delicious!
The best way to ensure you stick with a healthy diet is to plan your meals and snacks so that they include foods you actually want to eat. You will never stick with a plan that forces you to eat tasteless, boring food. What’s the point of living if you can’t enjoy your food? If you want to lose weight you just need to be more selective about the foods you are choosing to satisfy your hunger. There are thousands of recipes in books and online that can offer delicious organic nutritious meals that fit well with a weight loss program. The key is to plan ahead to make sure that you have the time, energy, and ingredients to prepare these meals. It’s not always easy. And there will be days when you simply cannot make it happen. But if you make the effort 95% of the time, you will still be able to achieve the goals of your weight loss program.

Make your Weight Loss Program Interesting!
They say variety is the spice of life. It is certainly the key to a good diet and a successful weight loss program. Keep your meal plan interesting by trying to eat a range of different selections. Remember, your body needs over forty different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients on a daily basis just to grow and function. Adding variety to your diet will help you meet these goals. I recommend the diet in the book “Weight Loss Secrets Revealed” available at

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Day!
Is it possible to look forward to a day that you know will include exercise? The answer is yes. Exercise does not and should not be boring or painful, but it should be a part of your day. If you hate to exercise, don’t be discouraged. There are plenty of ways to make exercise fun withy your new weight loss program. Enlist the help of a friend to exercise with; this will keep you motivated and help you look forward to your workout. If you’re busy and find too difficult to work exercise into your day, try breaking into fifteen-minute blocks. Research shows that three 15-minute workouts throughout the day can be just as effective as one 45-minute workout.

Remember: Weight loss programs are not easy. If it were, we would all weigh our ideal weight and runway models would seem passé. But following a simple and easy to follow weight loss program can help you stay committed to your health and accomplish your weight loss goals. Stay connected with family and friends who can support you in you program and help you stay on track.

To order Slimirex visit

About the Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. dallas dentist . To learn more visit


Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Nov 122011

So you want to lose weight? In my practice, losing weight is a common question among patients. They want to know my opinion, what I would do if I were going to lose weight. Everyone has an opinion, and a lot of the time I think they want to hear if my theories fit with theirs.
The last couple of years I have seen a trend of people trying to get the latest and greatest quick weight loss strategy or ideas. The push usually comes in the spring because we want to look good in the bathing suit for the summer. Lawyers in Vineland NJ .
Everyone is getting a little more anxious and willing to do a lot less to lose weight. Fat loss has become a huge topic, and libraries and bookstores are full of information. How can you really get to the real information, when at times it feels like weight loss is on information overload?
First, weight loss does not have to be difficult. There has to be a conscious effort to make a lifestyle change. You must want a lifestyle change to become healthier and vibrant. attract a women . You need to start taking a more proactive role in educating yourself on how to lose weight properly. I have read hundreds of books on the topic and they all have a basic premise. You need to eat right and exercise. Piperlime Coupon Code . These have to be activities that become a daily habit. Also for most of us we have to look at what emotional factors are causing us to gain weight. Stuck emotional habits are probably one of the biggest reasons why most people have tried every diet under the sun and still can’t lose weight.
Start with creating good eating habits, if that is adding a salad to your lunch; then congratulations. Exercise more, if that is beginning with walking; then great! As days progress, walk faster and longer, try and develop a sweat. Most importantly, look inside and find out what emotional triggers are holding you back from losing weight. Dr. Alan Jenks is a Health & Wellness Consultant in British Columbia. His web site Weight Loss Chronicles was developed to create an open and honest information source for real weight loss solutions. Sign up for his free weight loss eCourse at

About the Author

Dr. Alan Jenks is a Health & Wellness Consultant living in British Columbia. He owns, which provides information on weight loss options. Sign up for his free fat burning eCourse at


Dr. Alan Jenks

Nov 122011

D-I-E-T.most people could not think of a more vulgar four-letter word. Diet immediately brings to mind images of hunger, frustration, and ultimately failure. This one single word has stopped many people dead in their tracks. It seems many people prefer to be overweight rather than suffer the consequences of a diet.

But eating healthy does not have to involve four-letter words. You can eat healthy, delicious meals without starving and without beating yourself up. A healthy eating plan is a lifelong commitment to look and feel better, and it is the only plan you will ever need to follow to lose weight and keep it off. A healthy, balanced diet will also strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, lessen the side effects of certain medications, prevent constipation and other digestive disorders, and maintain the chemical balance within the body. So stop cursing and get ready to lose some weight!

It’s Time To Eat

Hunger is a natural signal from the body telling us to eat. Don’t ignore it. You should never have to be hungry in order to lose weight. On the contrary, when we are hungry we tend to panic into eating whatever is in sight to protect us from starvation. pool heater repair Downingtown . And skipping meals will slow down your metabolism and cause you to overcompensate with a larger meal later in the day. So go ahead and eat when you are hungry. Eating regular meals that leave you full and satiated will help you stick to a healthier meal plan and reach your weight loss goals. Eat five or six small meals spaced regularly throughout the day so that you will be better able to moderate portion sizes and remain in control of what you eat. If you want to lose weight you just need to be more selective about the foods you are choosing to satisfy your hunger. Permanent weight loss does not involve starving or deprivation, rather it involves a healthy eating plan that keeps you in control of what you put in your mouth.

Plan Ahead

The best way to ensure you stick with a healthy diet is to plan your meals and snacks ahead of time.

Most people think that in order to achieve permanent weight loss they need to get their minds off of food. This is not true! When you are hungry, and you haven’t thought about what healthy food you can eat to satiate your tummy, you will more likely grab for whatever is fastest and easiest like chips or a fast food burger.

Think about what you are going to eat each day and what healthy snacks and meals you need to have ready for when hunger strikes. If you are going out to eat, plan ahead to make sure you choose a restaurant with a minimum amount of unhealthy temptations.

Keep It Interesting

Variety and moderation are the keys to a good diet. Try to eat a range of different selections from fresh organic fruit and vegetables and range fed meats. Remember, your body needs over forty different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients on a daily basis just to grow and function. Eating a variety of foods will help you meet these needs.

Moderation is also important, but again, this doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself. Try to eat five or six smaller meals throughout the day so that you are never hungry. And eat slowly, giving your brain enough time to recognize when you are actually full. university of georgia .

Don’t Give Up Or Give In

The first thing you need to realize about losing weight is that there will be days when you want to give up. Temptations are always around you and its so easy to give in to fast food drive through or an extra serving of desert. Stay committed to your goals through these tough times. Remind yourself of any small accomplishments you’ve made already and the weight loss goals you will eventually achieve. But don’t punish yourself if you do stray. If you eat right most of the time, it will more than compensate for the days when you simply cannot resist a little treat. And don’t fall for the latest weight loss schemes. Weight loss takes time, but the goal is permanent. Short cuts will not get you and keep you where you want to be.

Here’s a few more guidelines to keep in mind as you make your menu selections:

Use fats and oils in sparing amounts. You can still use some but try to cut back a little bit each day.

Avoid putting extra table salt and sugars on prepared foods.

Drink more water: Aim for six to eight glasses a day.

Avoid drinking alcohol. If you do drink, try to do so in moderate amounts.

And remember weight loss is not easy. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun! Enjoy your life to the fullest by taking care of yourself, eating delicious wholesome foods and making the commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

To order Slimirex visit

About the Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit


Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN


Nov 122011

Going on a new diet usually ranks about as high as going to the dentist.

You know you need to do it. But you procrastinate because your past experiences have been so unpleasant. Even torturous.

But there’s one big difference between going to a dentist and going on a diet. The results from the dentist usually last.

So why don’t the results of a diet usually last?

Because you have to eat several times every day. So if the only way to keep the weight off is a diet that seems as torturous as a trip to the dentist, is it any surprise most of us fail repeatedly?

I believe you’ll have a greater chance for long-term success if you enjoy your weight loss program.

So here are my top 10 tips for choosing a successful diet plan:

1. You Have to Be Able to Live With Your Diet And Have a Life With It.

This is absolutely the most important tip.

If your diet seems like torture, if the food gives you no pleasure, if you’re making yourself and everyone around you miserable, then you’ll have trouble losing all the weight you want and keeping it off.

You have to make long-term changes in your eating habits to succeed with weight loss. So whatever you do to lose weight initially should be similar to how you keep it off.

That means you have to eat foods you enjoy. You have to be able to socialize at food-based events. You have to be able to enjoy life. texas a & m .

2. You Should Lose No More Than 2 Pounds a Week.

Sometimes, you may lose a little more at the beginning. But week-to-week, 2 pounds is enough. Anything more is unhealthy.

3. Your Diet Shouldn’t Be Extreme in Any Way.

Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, it’s unhealthy to eliminate entire food groups. A balanced diet provides vitamins and minerals to keep you strong.

So skip the diets with low-carb, all grapefruit, or whatever the latest fad is. Extreme diets usually don’t work. storage facilities . At least not for very long.

4. You Should Have Minimal or No Hunger.

If you’re losing only 1 or 2 pounds a week, you shouldn’t experience tremendous hunger. Not if you plan your meals and snacks correctly.

5. You Should Have Lots of Food Choices.

There’s no reason to restrict the kinds of food you eat week to week. I’ve never understood plans that say in Week 1, you can only eat these 10 foods. In Week 2, you can add another 5 foods. But if you gain weight, go back to Week 1.

If your diet doesn’t work with every food from Day One, it’s probably not going to work. Period.

6. You Should Be Able to Enjoy the Holidays.

If your diet doesn’t build in holiday eating, you’re going to do it anyway. You’ll just ruin your diet.

That’s why so many people start diets in January – after the holidays. Trouble is, the holidays always roll around later in the year. So you need to have a way to handle them.

7. Your Diet Has to Allow for Moments of Weakness.

Perfect diets are for perfect people. . But there are no perfect people. So a perfect diet is destined to fail.

8. You Shouldn’t Have to Exercise with the Diet To Lose Weight.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t exercise. We all know exercise is healthy and it makes you feel good.

But the benefits of exercise should be a bonus. Not a necessary part of a diet plan.

After all, what if you become unable to exercise for some reason?

Or suppose you stop losing weight on your diet plan and you haven’t reached a reasonable target weight. If the only way to start losing again is to exercise more, then the diet’s not working.

9. You Should Get All the Information You Need When You Start the Diet.

If someone sells you a diet and you have to go back week after week to get more information, they’re just trying to make money off of you. There’s no reason why Week 1 should be substantially different from Week 9.

And when you pay your money, you should know what the entire diet system is about. How else can you evaluate if it’s going to work for you?

10. You Should Control the Diet.

The diet shouldn’t control you. By this, I mean that your diet should meet your needs and wants.

Strict rules just increase your chance of failure.

For example, if you like to snack in the evening, but your diet eliminates eating after 7PM, how are you most likely to fail on your diet?

That’s right. By snacking in the evening.

But everyone has different needs and wants. So you have to be able to customize a diet to meet yours. Then you’re more likely to succeed.

And of course, before starting any weight loss program, you should see your doctor to make sure your diet is right for you.

About The Author

Debbie Fontana is a full-time author and business owner who writes about health, weight loss, looking great, and feeling fantastic. She created the delicious I Love to Cheat lifestyle diet and the companion I Love to Cheat Rewards Newsletter. She encourages her subscribers to submit their weight loss problems, questions, and concerns. Visit her at

Nov 122011

Since the ban on ephedra based products in April 2003 many ephedra free fat burners have hit the weight loss market with mixed success. A few of these new “ephedra alternative” weight loss products have performed a pretty decent job of burning fat and supplying a boost of energy while others have not been nearly as effective.

LipovarinT is one of the more popular over-the-counter ephedra free weight loss supplements on the market today. The product claims to be a powerful thermogenic weight loss compound that is also capable of suppressing one’s appetite. Accompanying those effects is the claim that it can boost energy and elevate one’s emotional mood.

As I have said in the past in reviewing nutritional products, for a product to have any real potential it MUST contain efficacious ingredients and they must be included in a high enough amount to prove potentially worthwhile. More importantly, product claims should always be supported by the inclusion of ingredients that have clinical research behind them. Too often products contain a concoction of ingredients that have no clinical proof as to their actual efficacy in responding to a physical condition. I will tell you that LipovarinT probably contains the highest grade quality of ingredients that I have ever analyzed in a weight loss product.

Let’s take a close look at the LipovarinT formula. I will try and analyze each ingredient and see how important it is in delivering safe and effective weight loss:

1) Advantra ZT (385mg) is a patent pending brand of citrus aurantium used in the clinical research studies that have demonstrated its safe and effective calorie burning properties. Unlike ephedrine or ma huang based products, Advantra ZT stimulates only the metabolism boosting Beta 3 receptors, so there are no undesirable effects on your nervous system, heart rate or blood pressure levels. In fact, clinical results indicate Advantra ZT is more thermogenic than ephedrine, without any of the associated side effects. I am extremely impressed by the inclusion of this ingredient in the Lipovarin product.

To read more on the structure/function claims on Advantra Z follow this link:

2) 7-KetoT is a naturally occurring breakdown product of DHEA that has DHEA activity, but cannot be converted to testosterone or estrogen in the body. Research suggests that 7-Keto DHEA may increase fat-burning enzyme activity and support healthy thyroid function. 7-Keto may increase the levels of a thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3) levels in the body, which are linked to resting metabolism. Increases in fat-burning enzyme activity may increase body metabolic rate and promote weight loss without stimulating the nervous system or changing caloric intake.

To read more on the clinical results of 7-KetoT follow this link:

3) Green Tea extract (150mg) is an ingredient that has so much positive clinical support backing it as a weight loss compound. I am a big fan of green tea because it reaches beyond weight loss and into other health defense areas. As it relates to weight loss, it has been shown effectively increase one’s metabolism by as much as 4-6% This “speeding up” of one’s metabolism can easily lead to the reduction in overall body mass, i.e., weight loss.

4) SerotainT (295 mg) is a proprietary blend of Griffonia simplicifolia extract and other natural ingredients that contain 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which enhances endogenous serotonin levels. The most widely studied effects of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, have been on the central nervous system. According to Richard Borne, Ph.D., faculty at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, the functions of serotonin are numerous and appear to involve control of appetite, sleep, memory, temperature regulation, mood and behavior. What I really like about the inclusion of this ingredient in this ingredient is that dieting is hard enough without being a nervous wreck. Serotain supports your weight-loss program by enhancing your mood in a natural way.

5) MetabromineT (350mg) is a derivative of the cacao tree, (cacao tree produces the seeds used in making cocoa, chocolate, and cocoa butter), and provides the appetite suppression and energy boost without the jitters some consumers used to get when they took ephedra-based products. It’s a rather unique appetite ingredient that performs in similar fashion as Hoodia Gordonii. sciatica . It definitely has some very real potential.

5) Caffeine (200mg), which speeds metabolism, is the most-active ingredient in many “diet pills.” Caffeine breaks down fat, freeing fatty acids which are immediately burned. Appliance repair Salt Lake City . Conversion of fat to energy is about 30 percent more efficient when caffeine is consumed prior to exercise.

6) Glucuronolactone (300 mg) detoxifies the body by speeding up the elimination of harmful substances, both endogenic (toxins within or made by the body) and exogenic (external toxins such as radiation, or pollution that penetrate the body from the outside). Supplementing with glucuronolactone, aids the transportation of amino acids during amino acid metabolism.

7) Taurine (200 mg) helps to emulsify dietary lipids in the intestine, promoting digestion. Taurine also regulates heartbeat and maintains cell membrane stability. Taurine has protective effects upon the human brain and is often used to boost brain function and cognitive abilities.

8) L-Carnitine (15mg) is a water-soluble, B-vitamin-like nutrient that the body uses to turn fat into energy. With carnitine’s help, fat levels decrease in the blood and weight loss is easier. New research continues to pour in to support the idea that l-carnitine should be an every day, health ­supporting nutrient that we all take as regularly as vitamin C.

Here is the bottom-line on LipovarinT–it is as complete a weight loss product as you will find on the market today. I am extremely impressed by both the weight loss components and the powerful energy boosting components of the product. In the future I would like to see a little bit more clinical data on the efficacy of the MetabromineT ingredient (appetite suppressant) contained in the formula. Overall, I highly recommend LipovarinT as a weight loss product!

About the Author

Peter is a Health & Fitness enthusiast and writer. He is in the process of completing his new book titled “Extend Your Life Beyond Today.” In the book he examines the link between nutritional supplements and human life extension.


Peter Bracato

Nov 122011

One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well.

Here a just a few of the many things I do to motivate myself.

Weigh yourself once a week:
I weigh myself at least a few times a week. In the beginning of your program once is plenty because you don’t want to discourage yourself. The reason I weigh myself once a week is because it can be easy to look in the mirror and justify, in your head, that you aren’t gaining any weight. If you look at a scale every week, you know for sure whether you need to make changes or not. Stylish holiday apartment .

Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight:
I have a picture of me at my son’s baptism next to my bed. I was 20-25 pounds heavier in that picture than I currently am. This gives me a chance everyday to see what I don’t want to slip back into. It reminds me why I lost weight and keeps me from sliding back into old habits. Also, it will just remind you of how far you have come and how much better you look now.

Visualize everyday:
You should visualize everyday, how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body. This really does help. I try to visualize myself everyday doing something that I plan on doing in the future. This can help with goals in any aspect of your life. I used to do this while running, when I first started my program. I would picture myself mentally, running and looking the way I wanted to look.

Set your sights farther and higher:

If you have already reached your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals or standards. If you don’t, you will probably fall back into old habits. Orange County Power Washing . It is harder to maintain something, then to achieve something new. So if you have reached your ideal weight, then why not set a goal to add some muscle. Or maybe, set a goal to get absolutely ripped. In perfect shape, like you never imagined you could. Look high and far, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and achieving new goals.

Those are just a few of the ways that I use to keep myself motivated. There are thousands more. To find other motivating ideas just do some searching on the internet. You can find thousands of articles and websites dedicated to weight loss and health.

Being healthy and losing weight can change every area of your life. It is amazing, the possibilities we begin to see, after reaching an achievement such as weight loss. Don’t lose the momentum. Keep it turned up and start using it to help you with other areas of your life. But most of all, never give up. There will always be obstacles in any thing you do in life. Just don’t use them as excuses to hold you back from achieving the ultimate freedom you deserve.

About the Author

This article was written by Jason Barger. Jason has been helping people lose weight with his breakthrough book, Primal Weight Loss. To learn more about his philosophy and programs you can visit .


Jason Barger

Nov 122011

Meals planned and prepared by professionals, food recipes, healthy meal plans and grocery shopping lists tailored specifically for you and your conditions … solar panel training . what else could enhance your food input and energy output?There’s a huge body of evidence to say: Vitamins and supplements alone, or in the form of healthy meal replacements.A recent survey of 8,000 adults showed that Americans could save up to $8.7 billion on treatment for heart disease, stroke, cancer and cataracts if they consumed optimal amounts of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta Carotene.Only 1% of those surveyed met the minimum dietary requirement of the USDA’s food pyramid.Obviously, getting proper nutrition takes a back seat to a busy schedule, and perhaps even to other weight loss products.But there are easy answers to this challenge. For instance:Healthy meal replacements can deliver balanced nutrition, vitamins, and minerals in place of a traditional meal when time is short.Weight loss products include powder, ready-to-drink, and bar options, as well as meal replacement products specially designed for low-carb meal plan dieters and women.There’s a good rundown on these and other options at Beauty Fitness Lifestyles.These days, there does seem to be an answer to most of the obstacles life sends us!About the AuthorJenny has a healthy interest in living life to the full. Her advice and writings are available for free download at Beauty Fitness LifestylesJenny Drake

Nov 122011

At first glance some of these diet tips may seem downright silly. You may find yourself thinking, “That’s couldn’t possibly makeenough of a difference. Plus I’d feel silly doing it.” I have a response to those negative thoughts. First, the longest journey begins with a single step. And second, would you rather feel silly being overweight and unfit or doing something about it?Diet Tip 1: FidgetEvery little movement burns calories. Twiddle your thumbs. Squeeze one of those little exercise balls while you watch TV to burn calories and tone your arms at the same time. Take that more distant parking spot. Walk wherever possible. Even if you have physical limitations, you can tailor a program to your needs. Move whatever you can, whenever and wherever you can. And just think – laughing is good exercise. It’s like jogging on the inside.Diet Tip 2: Portions and ProportionsPay attention to portion sizes according to the eating plan you choose. Use a normal size plate – don’t supersize it! One plan suggests that of the plate should contain protein and the rest should be fruits and vegetables. You can weigh your food, at least until you become attuned to proper portion sizes or use some of the simple guidelines like “3 oz. of protein is about the size of your palm or a deck of playing cards” or “one serving of rice is the size of a tennis ball”.Diet Tip 3: Eat More SlowlyThis allows your body the several minutes it takes to signal your brain that it is full.Diet Tip 4: Substitute Low Calorie Density Foods for HighChoose foods with a low calorie density – foods that have fewer calories relative to their weight. “If you decrease the energy density of your diet, caloric intake will decline”, says Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University and co-author along with Robert Barnett of The Volumetrics Eating Plan.Think lower cal fruits, vegetables like salad greens and broths. What these foods have in common is the magic diet ingredient, water! Water has zero calories, so the more volume represented by water, the less room there is for calories. Water also creates a feeling of fullness, helping one to eat less.Fiber is another low calorie density food. In this category, we again find many fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, such as whole wheat bread or pasta, whole grain cereals and brown rice. A study at Tufts University in Boston found that increasing daily fiber intake by 14 grams resulted in a 10% decrease in total calorie intake and a weight loss averaging one pound a month. This is a very small diet change to make. Substitute about 28 calories of fiber for some high calorie density food you have been eating.Diet Tip 5: Be Aware of What You EatKeep a food diary (and be brutally honest – no one else needs to see it). Personal Injury Lawyer Encino, CA . Don’t forget the spoon that you licked while putting away the leftovers or the sampling(s) youhad while adjusting the seasoning. The purpose is not only to monitor your food intake but to identify what circumstances tempt you to overeat or eat unhealthily. atlanta seo firm . Keep a food diary long enough and patterns will start to emerge.Diet Tip 6: Try New Spices and Herbs in Place of Butter and SaltTry some new spices and herbs and cut back on the butter and salt. You might be surprised to learn the antioxidant strength of some herbs – another reason to add more to your diet. When food tastes different or more flavorful, we tend to savor it more and eat more slowly.Diet Tip 7: Add VarietyAlong the same lines, The American Dietetic Association recommends increasing variety. Occasionally adding a single new food to your routine can end monotony and increase nutrition.This year’s ADA “Get a Taste for Nutrition” campaign suggests adding a new fruit, vegetable or grain to your shopping list each week. Among its suggestions: kumquat, passion fruit and pomegranate for fruits; kohlrabi, bok choy, jicama and parsnip from the vegetable aisle; and quinoa, flaxseed, amaranth and bulgur for new grains.This article is for informational purposes only. Atlanta SEO . It does not purport to offer medical advice.About the AuthorJean Bowler is a life long fitness freak. She was a ballet dancer and teacher, a private fitness trainer and more. Visit her site, for advice on diet and nutrition, skin care and more.J Bowler

Nov 122011

Anorexia nervosa is a serious medical disorder that is statistically most prevalent in the adolescent teenage years of young women. appliance repair . It is estimated that 7% of the population suffers from eating disorders and if left untreated over 20% of them will die from it. Anorexia takes the lives of children everyday in this world and there are things you can do as a parent to identify anorexic behaviors and intervene to protect your children.

Anorexia nervosa is a condition where one becomes obsessed with losing weight and practices self-starvation in an attempt to achieve significant weight loss or to maintain extremely unhealthy level of body weight. Anorexics are terrified of gaining weight, and often believe they are very fat even though they are already very thin.

Anorexia is not just a condition related to food and eating, but takes its roots from a deeper psychological level. Food and eating becomes a destructive tool that one uses to deal and cope with other emotional problems. Anorexics will often reach out to other anorexics on the internet in “pro-ana” sites whereby they encourage each other to continue their weight loss journey. Pro-ana sites argue that anorexia is a lifestyle choice and not an actual disorder, and offer dysfunctional support to other victims of the disease. The risk to our youth from eating disorders is significant and there are things you can do as a parent to intervene:


Excessive weight loss: A person suffering from anorexia is skinny and may end up losing more that 15% of their ideal body.

Diet restrictions: a person with anorexia continues to restrict foods and diet even when they are not overweight.

Food Obsession: an excessive preoccupation with food, calories, nutrition, or cooking methods is also a sign of anorexic behavior.

Distorted body image: complaints of feeling bloated, nauseated, or fat even when the person is thin or underweight, and also denying feelings of hunger.

Excessive exercising: Anorexia may cause a person to complain about feeling bloated or nauseated even when she eats normal-or less than normal-amounts of food.

Cold Sensitivity: A person suffering from anorexia may feel cold even though the temperature is normal or only slightly cool.

Fatigue: a person suffering with anorexia will often show signs of fatigue and inability to concentrate on most tasks (except food and related weight topics).

Lack of social interaction: living with anorexia nervosa can become complicated when trying to hide it in social settings involving food and eating. cheap domain names . Avoidance of social activities that include food is a common sign.

Depressed immunity: a person suffering with anorexia may have a weakened immune system and have frequent colds, illnesses and a general feeling of not feeling well.

Depression: anorexics will often exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, guilt and sadness while struggling with their disorder.

Physical changes: a person with anorexia over time may exhibit tell-tall physical characteristics such as; downy hair growth on the face, loss of menstruation cycles, dry nails, dry hair, constipation, headaches and possible hair loss.

Internet behaviors: a person with anorexia may be visiting pro-anorexic sites on the internet that offers encouragement and support of this disorder. Check your computers browser cache to review the history of websites it has visited.

If you suspect that one of your family members is suffering from anorexia nervosa it is important to take action now to arm yourself with information about the disorder and steps you can work towards to provide help and assistance. For more information on the types of treatment methods available you can visit:

About the Author

S.A. Smith is a freelance writer, correspondent, and contributing editor of the Anorexia Bulimia Help resource site and can be reached at

S.A. Smith

Nov 122011

Andropause and DHEA are a medical condition and its godsend cure meeting paving the way for a steady recovery. No, DHEA is not Andrea for short or a shampoo conditioner brand. It is a steroid hormone produced in the body. A lack of DHEA, known as Dehydroepianodrosterone in medical circles, is directly correlated with impotence in men. This is also referred to as erectile dysfunction. Quite simply, the more DHEA there is in your body – the better off you are. It acts as a replenisher – pumping life into various processes such as lowering cholesterol levels, reducing fat, and regulating healthy blood pressure. DHEA is synonymous with versatility – it simply branches out throughout your body serving as a cleaner and a regulator.

The effects of Andropause can be effectively reduced by using DHEA as a hormonal supplement. Produced in the adrenal glands, Dehydroepianodrosterone is responsible for producing chemicals that influence the growth of testosterone in the body. plastic surgery . Used as a dietary supplement, DHEA can do wonders for you. The enhancement of memory, stamina build up, and increased levels of libido can restore a man back to his natural state. It is a great treatment for men with erectile dysfunction, a common symptom of Andropause as well.

There have been plenty of tests using DHEA and placebos where libido and erectile function improved significantly in the men using this hormone than those that didn’t. It has been said that low levels of DHEA is linked with a speeded up aging process. Before research efforts were placed into discovering more about this hormone, it was associated with helping in weight loss. Tests done on mice in laboratories showed that DHEA controlled their levels of obesity. Soon after, it was associated with a slew of other health benefits.

Bodybuilding enthusiasts should look closely into making DHEA part of their nutritional supplement regimen. The hormone plays a part in helping grow muscle mass (similar to the same rate as other over the counter products such as creatine and whey protein), reversing osteoporosis by building stronger bones and strengthening bone tissue, and regulating sex hormones in both men and women (estrogen and testosterone.) It works along the same plane as human growth hormone, another anti-aging drug given to menopause sufferers in particular. erotic ebooks .

As stated previously, hormones are not synthetic. There are human derived hormones that are packaged in capsules and pills and sold to the general public to increase the amount of hormone already present in the body. The production of DHEA in the adrenal glands is highest during the childhood and teenage years, trailing off later on during mid-life. Men produce more of this hormone than women, and senior citizens around the age of 65 have the lowest levels of all.

Consuming harmful substances can derail the production of DHEA, such as drinking Sprite, Coca-Cola, or other caffeine-packed beverages. Drink a bottle of mineral water and hold off on the Fanta next time! Other things that influence the levels of DHEA in the body are lack of exercise and stress. Basically, any activity that promotes aging will result in drop off levels. Jump on that treadmill, release that excess stress, and maintain your already decreasing amounts of this vital hormone!

Combat Andropause by using DHEA as a hormonal supplement. Yes, that’s the wise advice we’re giving you today. However, as your parents might’ve told you already – too much of a good thing is a bad thing. If you take too much, your body will stop producing its own natural amount. An excess of DHEA can skyrocket your levels of testosterone, amplifying your male features. Not a good idea for women who want to maintain their female attributes.

It is always wise to take proper safety precautions when consuming any hormone supplement or drug. Remember, recent studies have shown that too much Vitamin E can cause heart failure. Did you think vitamins were care-free and harmless? Think again!

About the Author

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: creative– or by visiting or


Cathy Taylor